0800 640 4299
Rodinia is a new test that screens for genetic changes (mutations) associated with infertility. By identifying the genetic cause of infertility, your fertility treatment provider will be able to take informed decisions on the best clinical management for you, which will help increase your chances of conceiving.
Rodinia is suitable for couples or individuals experiencing pregnancy delay, young people with a suspected disorder of sex development and people with a family history of infertility.
Rodinia offers a female and a male infertility panel which detect numerous genetic mutations associated with infertility. Both panels also test for whole, partial and mosaic* sex chromosome changes which can cause fertility problems.
*Mosaicism refers to the condition of having two or more sets of cells that differ genetically from one another.
Female infertility panel (55 genes)
Includes testing of the X chromosomes, and disorders such as primary ovarian insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Male infertility panel (40 genes)
Includes testing of X and Y chromosomes, including Y-chromosome microdeletions, and disorders such as hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, like Kallmann syndrome.
Haemophilia and Thrombosis panel (22 mutations)
Haemophilia and Thrombosis panel is available upon request and could be beneficial to couples or individuals with more than one miscarriage.
How early can I have a pregnancy scan?The earliest scan you can have an early pregnancy scan is from 6 weeks. Earlier than that and we might not be able to detect the baby’s heartbeat.
How accurate are early pregnancy scans?The early assurance scans are highly accurate when performed at the appropriate stage of the pregnancy (from 6 weeks onwards). The accuracy also relies on the scan being performed by competent and qualified sonographers. Early pregnancy scans are especially accurate when performed trans-vaginally because the scan images obtained in this manner can show a significant amount of miniature developmental details of the early pregnancy stages.
Are early pregnancy scans safe?Early pregnancy scans are performed by ultrasound, just like any other pregnancy scan. The only difference with early scans is that they are often transvaginal as opposed to abdominal – the procedure is completely safe for mother and baby.
When will I get the results for my reassurance scan?You will get the results of your ultrasound the same day as your appointment. You will also receive a typed report on email to keep for your records.
Can early ultrasound scan detect if I have twins?Yes, during in your early scan, you will be able to find out how many babies you will be expecting.
If the early pregnancy scan shows my baby is more likely to have a condition, what happens next?We have clear referral procedures to the NHS Trust Hospitals. To pursue the referral pathway, we contact the EPM Department at your trust hospital on your behalf, initially. Then we give you their contact number and our official referral form to present to them.
Can I find out the gender of my baby during early pregnancy scan?No, you will not be able to find out the gender of your baby during an early scan. You will be able to find out the gender of your baby from 15 weeks and 4 days.
When do you recommend having an early scan to learn as much as possible about my baby?We recommend that an early scan should only be performed 6 weeks after the first day of your menstrual cycle. Ultrasound is not able to demonstrate conclusive results of a viable pregnancy prior to this time. Attending an early assurance scan too soon can result in causing unwarranted worry since the results on the day would be inconclusive and require a second visit to the clinic for a reassessment. It’s important to just ensure you book the scan at the correct time frame to get the most reassurance and information about the pregnancy.
Can an early scan detect my baby’s heartbeat?Yes, from 6 weeks' gestation we will be able to detect your baby’s heartbeat via a transvaginal ultrasound. This is completely safe for your baby when performed with the correct equipment and by a competent sonographer.
If I can’t see my baby during early scan, what happens next?If you can’t see your baby during your early scan, we will organise a rebooking of your scan completely free of charge.

Our fertility screening tests provide you with the vital knowledge you need during this time.
Email: info@imaginatal.co.uk
Phone: 0800 640 4299